Soil Translations (interactive installation) investigates the natural and historical elements of the BSCG and BCA. The unique juxtaposition of both places provides for a rich representation of the ongoing translations occurring in the South End. Through methodical soil testing, weed identifying and weeding, this project examines the organic matter of the gardens and the history of the South End. The contents of soil can determine the health and success of organisms living in it. What kind of soil is the South End community founded on? What type of "living prganisms" is this land harvesting? What parts of the South End history lie beneath the soil? The "data" collected through the Soil Translations results in an installation of the reconstruction of an interactive garden plot, Weeding Room in the gallery. The Weeding Room will also be entered into competition to have a space at the Spring 2005 Massachusetts Horticultural Society's N.E. Flower and Garden Show that has a very restructed and limited Eurocentrric definition of a "garden".
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